Sunday, March 20, 2011

Love the English... er, Chinglish

One of the System advertising messages commonly seen in the in-game chat system:

"Raise your Nobel Rank, you can rise from the ranking and build more cities, now go collect the Luxury from Wildness and Item Mail."

Such a short, short phrase, yet let me count the ways this boggles the mind:
  1. "Nobel Rank" - like, is the Nobel Prize for Physics better than the one for Economics?  I always suspected there was a hierarchy...
  2. "rise from the ranking" - I suspect we all want to get out of ranking, and into grading.
  3. "Wildness" - is that like untamed savage wild, or feral kitty cat wild?  Would Craziness be an appropriate substitute for Wildness?
  4. "Item Mail" - I have ordered things from and they arrive in the mail - is this the same thing?
  5. Randomly used capital letters - if they capitalized "ranking" and "cities", then it wouldn't be so random, because then we see that capital letters are used for nouns.  It makes things much clearer, right?  "Let's go to the Pizza Shop for Dinner, and have some Beer afterwards for your Birthday".

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