Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Devine Caesasry?

With the release of version 1.5.5, we have a new "Supply" option where we can trade for more items.  You'd think the Caesary team would take a lot of pride in giving us this new option, right?

I mean, seriously... or should I say Caesarisly?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Love the English... er, Chinglish

One of the System advertising messages commonly seen in the in-game chat system:

"Raise your Nobel Rank, you can rise from the ranking and build more cities, now go collect the Luxury from Wildness and Item Mail."

Such a short, short phrase, yet let me count the ways this boggles the mind:
  1. "Nobel Rank" - like, is the Nobel Prize for Physics better than the one for Economics?  I always suspected there was a hierarchy...

Wassup, Rachel?

One of my heroes is named Rachel.  He's a guy.  I swears I did not rename him, he came this way.
He must be a pretty tough dude to grow up with a name like Rachel, right?