Friday, November 4, 2011

Gender naming confusion part LVII

Caesary may be gone from U.S. servers, but the naming confusion continues!  Here we have a studly captured hero by the name of Harriet:

I think Johnny Cash really started something.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Really accurate accounting

Sometimes you have beancounters... and then you have counters that work at 1 trillionth of a bean.

I submit as proof:

Thursday, May 26, 2011

jdelorean is my (drug) hero

Sometimes you just gotta do your own thing.  Be different.  March to the beat of your own drum.  For Caesary, it means not doing the same thing as all those other game developers - you just gotta let it hang fo' real and all that dope.  Speaking of dope, it's a great way to compare the feeling you get when buying into their promotions, eh?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Vivian is actually a common guy's name

It really is!  I submit as proof:

Clearly, we have all been living under a rock while gender equality swept over the world.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

One for the girls

You might think the guys have been hogging the spotlight on this blog, well here's one for the girls:

Although I've always thought of this girl pic as looking kind of like a dude in the first place.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Devine Caesasry?

With the release of version 1.5.5, we have a new "Supply" option where we can trade for more items.  You'd think the Caesary team would take a lot of pride in giving us this new option, right?

I mean, seriously... or should I say Caesarisly?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Love the English... er, Chinglish

One of the System advertising messages commonly seen in the in-game chat system:

"Raise your Nobel Rank, you can rise from the ranking and build more cities, now go collect the Luxury from Wildness and Item Mail."

Such a short, short phrase, yet let me count the ways this boggles the mind:
  1. "Nobel Rank" - like, is the Nobel Prize for Physics better than the one for Economics?  I always suspected there was a hierarchy...

Wassup, Rachel?

One of my heroes is named Rachel.  He's a guy.  I swears I did not rename him, he came this way.
He must be a pretty tough dude to grow up with a name like Rachel, right?